When training your shoulders don't forget those rear delts they help give your shoulders that nice capped look!
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When training your shoulders don't forget those rear delts they help give your shoulders that nice capped look!
Wanna put more focus on your butt? Follow these pointers:
Muscle to mind connection- butt, butt, butt
Hinge hips back very slightly befor starting
Keep feet planted to the floor toes in the same direction as knees
Decend down pushing your hips back
When you get as low as your range of motion allows contract your butt muscles and think about squishing your heels into the floor but keep the toes in contact with the ground as well.
Make sure you do not hyperextend when returning to starting position
Begin with low weight to learn the move correctly and be sure before you add weights you are able to do the reps in a FULL RANGE OF MOTION NOT HALFWAY
Take it slow and work your way to a properly performed full range of motion squat - then increase that weight!
My favorite exercise for the BUTT! But it also increases balance, posterior strength, and knee health. To start grab a dumbbell or bar and run it down the front of one leg hinging hips back and raising your opposite leg. Be sure to:
Hold stomach tight
Hinge hips back as you lower keeping back flat and pushing butt "to the wall" as you go down
Keep hips squared to floor
Squeeze glutes as dumbell or bar reaches the lowest position to extend back to starting position-use the butt!
Keep the stabalizing leg strong and knee soft but do not keep bending the knee as you go down keep the joint in the same position throughout the movement-it is not a single leg squat
Practice before you add weight. You may even want to begin by holing lightly on to a stable surface.
This is a great exercise for the core/obliques and your back. Start in a side plank on your elbow. This exercise can also be done with an exercise band.
Great exercise to strengthen the core and work the back. Start in a plank position holding stomach tight throughout the move. Make sure to keep hips squared to the floor. Spreading your legs apart in the plank helps to keep your hips squared. If you do not have a cable machine you can attatch an exercise band to something stable and perform the same movement.