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Sample 5 day weight loss nutrition plan

  • 3 Steps


This is a sample healthy 5 day diet for weight loss with a breakdown of 1500-1600 calories and 30%fat/30% protein/40% carbohydrates. Although this is a popular prescription for weight loss in women it may not be effective for everyone due to many factors such as age, activity level, weight, medical issues, medications, or even past diet abuse. All you need to do is scan the QR code then email me at to get an invite code. From there you will have access to a 5 day nutrition plan with recipes and a shopping list! You will also have access to many other BAM favorite recipes. If you are interested in a more personalized plan to get your specific nutrition needs along with an educational packet, simple recipes, ongoing assistance, weight, body fat analysis, body measurements and full access to Foodzilla at anytime please reach out at!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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